Patrick S. Sullivan, REPA, CPP, BCES, Senior Vice President, SCS Engineers
It is a given that solid waste management facilities can emit odorous substances. Organics, sulfur-containing materials, and other odorous substances in the waste stream are what typically drive odors at landfills, composting operations, and related facilities. Odor impacts to neighboring properties, and in some cases impacts to whole neighborhoods and larger regional areas, are possible for any type of solid waste facility.
These odor issues at solid waste facilities have led to lawsuits, regulatory actions, permitting difficulties and early facility closures, making proper management a critical issue for landfills and other facilities. However, through implementation of odor management strategies and a proactive approach to odor, solid waste facilities can successfully avoid odor issues.
This SWANA Webinar covers regulatory requirements, assessment/investigation, monitoring, and mitigation strategies for odor. Case studies are presented that illustrate the benefits of proactive odor management as a means of battling odor issues at solid waste facilities.