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Lilybeth Colon, EPA/OLEM Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery, Washington DC Thabet Tolaymat, EPA/Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati Ohio
Recently, the EPA Office of Land and Emergency Management OLEM (formerly OSWER) published a draft guidance to assist regulators in evaluating the length of the post-closure care period for hazardous waste disposal facilities subject to Subtitle C of RCRA, and in determining whether it should be adjusted. This draft guidance also provided information to assist facility owners and operators in preparing documentation to support a decision to adjust the post-closure care period.
In support of that guidance ORD initiated a project with the objective to quantify the field performance of engineered systems based on data from Subtitle C landfills that are nearing completion of 30 years of post-closure care (PCC) and to "ground truth" expected leachate generation rates and chemistry during PCC in relation to current industry norms and expectations. The webinar presents a brief overview of the draft guidance and the accompanying research effort by ORD.
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