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Mixed Waste Processing: What Does It Offer?

Mixed Waste Processing: What Does It Offer?
Additional Information:
Karl Hufnagel, PE, Civil Engineer, Managing Engineer, Brown and Caldwell
Eric Winkler, Sales Manager, Bulk Handling Systems

Over the last five years, mixed waste processing has gained greater interest and attention throughout the United States. Communities are seeking ways to increase the diversion of valuable materials in the waste stream, and are looking for solutions for less valuable components as well. Interest has also increased due to the need of many communities to find economic stability for their solid waste management programs, particularly in the face of flat or declining waste tipping fee revenues.

As communities explore whether and how to implement mixed waste processing, a number of key issues need to be addressed. This presentation attempts to answer some of these fundamental questions, including:

  • What is mixed waste processing?
  • What types of materials are recovered and what can be expected for recovery rates?
  • What portion of the mixed waste stream (residential and commercial) should be considered for mixed waste processing?
  • Does mixed waste processing make economic sense?
  • What downstream processes, if any, should possibly be considered in conjunction with mixed waste processing?
  • How will mixed waste processing affect our source separated recycling program? Can/should they coexist?
  • What is the best approach to implementing mixed waste processing in our community and who should design, build, own and operate the facility?
  • What are the risks associated with implementing mixed waste processing?

This webinar also explores the ways that private industry can be part of the mixed waste processing solution. The private waste industry has also recognized the need to adapt their business model to reflect the new reality of waste stream management. These changes could result in many new public/private partnership opportunities in the making.

After this webinar, participants will:

  • Have an understanding of what mixed waste processing is and isn't, including the material types recovered and recovery rates that can be expected.
  • Know how mixed waste processing may relate to other material diversion programs.
  • Understand some general capital and operating cost parameters for mixed waste processing.

January 01, 2014
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