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Reducing, Recovering, and Recycling Food Scraps

Reducing, Recovering, and Recycling Food Scraps: Opportunities, Action, and Case Study Examples
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Athena Lee Bradley, Projects Manager, Northeast Recycling Council, Inc.

The management of food scraps is an exciting area of growth and innovation within the solid waste industry. But, with so much going on in so many different places, it can be difficult to know what works and what is worth a second look, depending on what one wants to accomplish.

This presentation will provide an overview of strategies, opportunities, and actions that support food scrap management, and will evaluate them in accordance with the organics management hierarchy.

Examples will be used to show various management practices, including:

  • Reducing food discards
  • Integration of food scraps into home composting
  • Collecting food scraps
  • Integrating food scraps into compost operations

A variety of programs from across the United States and Canada will be used to illustrate each of these management practices. Highlights of each program will be given. Some of the municipalities and companies that will be looked at are:

  • Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
  • Central Vermont Solid Waste District
  • Franklin County Solid Waste District, Massachusetts
  • Chittenden Solid Waste District, Vermont
  • San Francisco, California
  • Hamilton & Wenham, Massachusetts
  • Huron, Ohio
  • St. George, Maine
  • Cayuga Compost, Trumansburg, New York
January 01, 2014
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