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Publication date: August, 2023.
This report has been prepared to provide solid waste managers with up-to-date information and guidance on the impacts of food waste and other organics diversion programs on the generation of landfill gas (LFG).
Publication date: October, 2016. This report is a follow-on to the 2015 report on "Beneficial Reuse of WTE Ash."
Publication date: December, 2005. This report establishes measurement standards for landfill airspace utilization.
Publication date: October, 2007. This report documents what is known about actual LFG collection system efficiencies based on recent research programs, case studies, and field experience.
A SWANA ARF report provides up-to-date information and guidance on materials and strategies to control offensive odors emanating from the working face of landfills.
Publication date: December, 2004. This research memorandum provides up-to-date information regarding landfill stormwater runoff discharge standards.
Publication date: January, 2018. Full title: Mechanical Biological Treatment of Residual Waste: Lessons from Europe.
Publication date: December, 2004. This technical memorandum provides guidelines on techniques to determine the “in situ” levels of moisture in landfilled waste.
Publication date: December, 2014. This report is a comparative analysis of alternative and emerging technologies to effectively and reliably treat leachate with high total dissolved solids (TDS).
Publication date: December, 2012. This report provides solid waste managers with up-to-date information and guidance on options for recycling the organic fraction of the municipal solid waste (MSW) stream.